Reduce Your Dogs SNORING with Carmex®!
Reduce Your Dogs SNORING with Carmex®!
-by Colle and Phyllis Davis
Dolly, our 8 year old Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, snores. I mean this old girl can move the curtains with her snoring. As she has gotten older, her snoring has gotten even louder (is that even possible?).
Dolly sleeps in her bed, next to our bed, so we’re all ‘in this together.’ Lately, her snoring has gotten so LOUD and so PROLONGED that it effects our sleeping so we’ve been trying to find ways to stop her from snoring other than snapping our fingers, rubbing her ears, or loudly calling her name, “DOLLY STOP THAT.” We’ve even resorted to ear plugs lately so we can get some sleep but that is not a permanent solution that either one of us finds acceptable for long term use.
We’ve looked online for homeopathic dog-snoring remedies or suggestions to help us with our problem and found nothing of substance. I thought to myself, “If I could find a solution to stop or reduce her snoring, it would change our life and other people would love it.” So, I’ve continued my search and experimentation for a simple solution.
Last night was a Popeye moment for me. As Popeye said before he gulped an entire can of spinach, “I’ve had all I can takes and I can’t takes no more.” I was ready to move her out into the garage so I could get some sleep when I had a brilliant flash of insight, “Hmmmm. She could breathe more easily if I could find a way to gently open her nasal passages.” And, I reached into my nightstand and found a tube of a lanolin-based lip balm that has a touch of camphor and menthol in it, Carmex®, in the back of the drawer. I squirted a small amount on my fingertips and rubbed it on her sweet black nose. She snorted once, licked her nose and then instantly fell asleep again and her snoring was reduced by about 80% for the rest of the night. Carmex® has a slight numbing effect and the camphor and menthol must also help open her nasal passages.
- (From Wikipedia) 16th-century illustration of Archimedes in the bath, with Hiero’s crown at bottom right.
I felt as Archimedes must have felt when he solved the problem of water displacement while bathing in a tub and then ran through the streets naked shouting “EUREKA!”
I’ll keep you posted on our anti-snoring campaign.
If YOU have any suggestions, please send them to me! And if Carmex® works for your dog, please let us know! We’ll post pictures of you and your pet along with your solutions.
One Less Square of TP
One Less Square of TP
– by Colle and Phyllis Davis
This article is NOT about aquaponics, but we wrote it and it’s fun and it proves a valid point about being a good steward to the earth’s resources and that’s always a good reminder.
Behold, here is an interesting and odd way for you to be less impactful on the earth.
Here is the setup: Can you consciously and religiously use one less square of toilet paper than your normal quota, each and every time you need it?
Come on, it’s only one tiny square. You already realize that pulling off too little causes some interesting planning on your part. And the occasional wild grab of too much is wasteful. Can this tiny change in your behavior impact your carbon footprint?
Does it matter? Will that tiny square staying on the roll mean anything in the scheme of life?
Maybe, but in a way that most people never think about. The awareness of what you are doing each time you need toilet paper is a constant reminder that everything you are doing impacts the earth, even when the behavior is so routine that you may not even be aware of it. First laughing at the thought and then starting the one less square routine moves that new behavior into your unconscious and makes you a hero in the ongoing push to be politically and environmentally correct.
Here are the figures to make this point real in your mind:
- With the 300+ million people in the US using only two fewer sheets per day, they will reduce the need for paper by 1,110,000 pounds! No, you say, not possible.
- 300,000,000 people times 2 sheets = 600,000,000 sheets per day. (Average two per person saved per day)
- Each roll contains approximately 166 sheets that are 4 inches square, so there is an average of 18 sq ft of toilet paper on a roll. The roll weights a tiny bit over 3 oz. or 0.18 pounds.
- 600,000,000 sheets equals 333,333,333 sq ft.
- 333,333,333 sq ft divided by 0.18 lb. = 62,499,999 pounds or 31,250 TONS!
- That is each day! That is a LOT OF TREES!
Now the fun part of your new awareness and habit: Telling your friends about your efforts to be a good steward of resources. Think about that scenario for a moment. It has to give you a visceral bump and, depending on who you are it will be highly effective in making you remember to leave that square on the roll.
Let’s look at this idea of the awareness of making a small change in a somewhat different light. Can you plant one more lettuce seed or one more basil seed? Yes, you can. The real question to ask yourself is; what to do with the single plant increase in your bounty? Plan on giving these special ‘extra’ plants to specific people. The effort to plant, nurture and then give from the overflow creates a highly impactful experience for anyone who will indulge themselves in the process.
Planting in a plastic or wax paper cup sitting on the kitchen window ledge will suffice. It is the awareness of the new behavior that becomes the reward and has the earth value impact.
How is planting one more lettuce or basil plant that you plan to give away different from the ‘one square less’ mindset? After all these ‘habits’ address two very separate parts of our lives. It is the awareness of the small gestures and habits we often follow blindly, and that is changed easily impacting our lives and the earth. If each person (or only one person in one hundred) begin to do either or better yet, both of these behaviors, the results will eventually effect the earth.
Sharing the extra plant will be much easier to explain to your friends than the one square less. When you have managed to have both new habits in place, then the square one will be a great conversation opener and garner lots of attention and laughs.
It is in the small gestures, the awareness, and the willingness to behave in a slightly different manner that changes happen. The impact is hardly noticeable to the world at large, but it is these same small gestures that eventually start trends, impact buying decisions and lead to policy or even life changes.
Sitting is the New Smoking
“Sitting Is the New Smoking”
Wealth Equals Health & Health Equals Wealth
By Colle and Phyllis Davis
The truly wealthy (those in the US with over US$3million in liquid assets) list their number one priority as their personal health.
Our questions to you are:
- What is your life worth?
- Where do you want to put your money?
- When do you want to start?
Health is ranked above family and retirement in every survey of the wealthy. This top priority is shared by 98% of all wealthy people! Plus they put their money where their mouth is, both literally and figuratively. They spend their money on improving and maintaining their health at a much higher level than those wish less money or incentives.
“A U.S. Trust survey of 640 high-net-worth adults with investable assets of $3 million or more reveals money takes a third-place priority in the lives of the rich. Health is number one. Family comes second.” – Rich People Don’t Value Money Above Everything by Hal M. Bundrick – June 5, 2015
Ok. Maybe you don’t need to have a personal masseur or visit $5,000 a week health spas to become healthy, but eating well, avoiding stress, stopping smoking, saying no to drugs and investing in a few health-focused machines (mentioned below) are well advised because then you can add them into your life and lifestyle without much inconvenience or sacrifice.
Even those people with less means who focus on their health are investing in their current and future health. The ‘health’ craze seem to be spreading. The ‘organic food’ movement and the fight against GMO’s are both public acknowledgements of the awareness that health is our number one priority if we are to live long and prosper. The heavy focus on exercise and wellness in the media is driving people to examine the importance of their health and how it impacts everything in their lives.
The mantra the media loves to use is Sitting is the New Smoking. Obesity will soon be the number one cause of cancer surpassing smoking as the big killer of people.
The flip side of this movement is the unrelenting push by the advertisers and their friends in the media to get people to eat more of the cheap and not so cheap junk food that is fatty with a high salt content and loaded with sugar products and then convince them to buy supplements and exercise equipment to take off the weight. The junk food diet is also heavily supported by big pharma because they sell the snake oil products that reduce blood pressure, lower cholesterol, take the weight off and sooth anxiety that accomplished the poor health.
The wealthy, who can choose what they want to eat and what they want to do with their lives are also interestingly, healthier than the general population. They are the patrons of the stores and establishment which offer them the best food available, regardless of the price. They are discerning customers and are willing to pay top money for their food that supports their health and that of their family.
How is it possible for the common person with average means to enhance their lives with the same tools as the wealthy? Grow or at least buy as much locally grown, pesticide-free food as possible and exercise at the same level as the wealthy even if they can purchase the proper equipment and have to improvise.
Eating the best food, walking whenever possible, simplifying your life and accumulating enough assets to weather any disruption is the formula for longterm success and it enhances the chances that your genes will survive into the future.
Putting these lesson and statistics into a personal and workable prospective and on a personal note we, Phyllis and Colle Davis, have done the following to invest in our health: Our lives now include a very swanky rowing machine (now a pre-breakfast habit), standing desks with treadmills underfoot for both of us (this article was written while walking at 1.4mph)! For those who are new to our lives, two Portable Farms® Aquaponics Systems only steps from our kitchen. We also attend yoga classes three times per week; we each have state-of-the art recumbent bikes, trekking sticks, a sail boat and fishing poles. We now have to schedule time to sit down and eat. LOL.
Portable Farms® Wins Second Place at San Diego Inventors Forum Annual Inventor’s Contest
Ladies and Gentlemen, the Second Place Winner is . . . . PORTABLE FARMS®
Phyllis Davis was awarded Second Prize after presenting Portable Farms® Aquaponics Systems to the San Diego Inventors Forum’s Annual Inventors Contest. View 8 minute presentation on YouTube video above.
There is a lot more to this subject, and we want to tell you more about how to plant and harvest the best home grown, pesticide free food in a Portable Farms® Aquaponics System and we can teach you about this topic and everything else you want to know about owning and operating your own successful aquaponics system so you can become more self-sustaining: CLICK HERE.
Bell Peppers Grow WELL in Portable Farms Aquaponics Systems
Bell Peppers Grow WELL in Portable Farms Aquaponics Systems
by Colle and Phyllis Davis
Bell peppers (green, red, yellow or orange) are a popular crop grown in Portable Farms Aquaponics Systems. They produce large, very flavorful and CRISP bell peppers that can be grown year round.
Pepper plants are easily trellised or stalked for vertical growing which allows for ample access to sunlight or grow lights (in winter or enclosed structures).
If bell peppers grown in a Portable Farms™ Aquaponics Systems are planted, raised and sold as ‘organic,’ the grower can receive higher prices based on their organic origins further reducing the ROI than stated in this article.
Pepper production from a single full size 5′ x 40′ (200sq ft) [1.5m x 12m (18m2)] Grow Tray:
- Each Grow Tray can hold 200 plants 12in x 12in (30cm x 30cm) centers and are usually planted once a year, a second planting can be initiated as plants begin to stop producing
- Production is normally over a 210 to 285 day period
- Because the plants are very small when initially planted there is a four month growing period before harvest
- Plants are pruned to have two to four main stems
- Staking or trellising is required and can be installed permanently
- Peppers yield is between 4 to 6 lbs [1.8 and 2.7k] per plant depending on variety
- Yield per plant is 20 to 37 peppers per plant depending on variety
- No pesticides, fungicides or artificial fertilizers are ever used
- Peppers can be harvested and used the same day for peak flavor and texture plus they store well
- Yields 1,000 lbs to 1,260 lbs [450 to 570kg] per year with a single crop
- Yield 2,000 lbs to 2,520lbs [900 to 1,140kg] per year for overlapped second cropping
- 17lbs [8kg] per week
- 2.4lbs [1kg] per day
Each Module contains one Grow Tray, one Fish Tank and one Clarifier. The components to make the Module functional also include a special pump and valve system, a control panel, air pumps and related hardware and wiring.
Each Module costs approximately US$4,000 completely installed/ The Modules must be housed in a climatically adapted structure/greenhouse with a translucent or transparent waterproof roof and walls and one or more thermostatically controlled exhaust fans. In the tropics the sidewalls can be screen or netting and the exhaust fans will still be needed.
Using the lowest yield with the shortest harvest season and three crops per space per year the Return On Investment will be approximately 1.13 years [17 lbs (8kg) x 52 weeks = 1,768 lbs (800kg) of peppers per year per module] and priced at $2.00 per pound = US$3,536]. In most cases this production number will be much higher and will continue to rise as the operators become more skilled and the system matures.
Labor costs are higher than with lettuce because of the pruning, training and harvesting of peppers. This is true for tomatoes, zucchini, cucumbers and any plant that requires extra time after planting. Lettuces does not require pruning, training or trellising; in fact, you plant lettuce and then a 40 to 55 days later, you harvest lettuce and plant a new seed sprout in the same place again to grow another head of lettuce. One person can operate a 10,000 sq ft PFAS if they are only growing lettuce. With other bush or vine crops, two to four additional personnel are required to care for the plans.
Please note: The above numbers are based on the lowest expected yields from field grown crops, use the shortest possible harvest time plus the longest time from transplant to finish harvest. In other words, the lowest possible output from the Module for this crop is shown. The actual output from each Module can and probably will be from two to four times as high resulting in a much shorter ROI.
Terms of Service 2022
Terms of Service – PFAS LLC – 2022
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