Reduce Your Dogs SNORING with Carmex®! -by Colle and Phyllis Davis Dolly, our 8 year old Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, snores. I mean this old girl can move the curtains with her snoring. As she has gotten older, her snoring has gotten even louder (is that even possible?). Dolly sleeps in her bed, next to …
Category: Portable Farms
One Less Square of TP
One Less Square of TP – by Colle and Phyllis Davis This article is NOT about aquaponics, but we wrote it and it’s fun and it proves a valid point about being a good steward to the earth’s resources and that’s always a good reminder. Behold, here is an interesting and odd way for you to be …
Sitting is the New Smoking
“Sitting Is the New Smoking” Wealth Equals Health & Health Equals Wealth By Colle and Phyllis Davis The truly wealthy (those in the US with over US$3million in liquid assets) list their number one priority as their personal health. Our questions to you are: What is your life worth? Where do you want to put …
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