Category: Commercial Aquaponics System

Pesticide & GMO Free Food is Rare and Precious

Pesticide & GMO Free Food is Rare and Precious – by Colle and Phyllis Davis PLEASE NOTE: GMO seeds are commonly used in field crops like corn and wheat but will KILL broad leaf vegetables like tomatoes and lettuces. There are many misconceptions about GMO seeds used in planting typical vegetable gardens and Portable Farms® …

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Fossil Water – No Water Means No Life

Portable Farms

Fossil Water – No Water Means No Life -by Colle and Phyllis Davis Fossil water like fossil fuel is a non-renewable resource. It is not as rare as  the ‘rare earth metals’ but once we use it up, it’s gone forever and for those who depend on this water supply (that’s all of us to …

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Investors Who Become AquaponicsFarmers

Investors Who Become Farmers – by Colle and Phyllis Davis Farming is a relatively recent profession. Yes, some form of farming has been around for around 15,000 years (early farming was called protofarming) and then our ancestors learned to plant, nurture and harvest fresh food and as well as care for animals as the step …

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Processing Fish – From Tank to Table

Portable Farms

Processing Fish – From Tank to Table – by Colle and Phyllis Davis Aquaponics is an up-close and personal experience with the cycle of life – from seed to salad and from fish fry to fried fish. With aquaponics, there is no escaping the hard facts of growing and eating what you kill. However, in …

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Portable Farms® Aquaponics System Course©

Portable Farms® Aquaponics System Course© through Aquaponics University NOW OFFERED ONLINE in a self-paced course. After completing the Portable Farms® Aquaponics System Course© satisfactorily online, we will ship you the Portable Farms® Kit so you can build your own Portable Farms® Aquaponics System to feed your family FOREVER. The Portable Farms® Kit is included in …

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Aquaponics in Domes? NO! NO! NO!

Aquaponics in Domes? No! No! No! – by Colle and Phyllis Davis If you decide to send us an angry note telling us we’re wrong, please attach YOUR photograph of a green, lush, thriving aquaponics system within a dome and we’ll post it on our website along with your information. Several times a week we …

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Do Russians Have More Food Freedom and Independence than Americans?

Russia’s small-scale organic agriculture model may hold the key to feeding the world Saturday, September 29, 2012 by: Jonathan Benson, staff writer (NaturalNews) Imagine living in a country where having the freedom to cultivate your own land, tax-free and without government interference, is not only common but also encouraged for the purpose of promoting individual …

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Bell Peppers Grow WELL in Portable Farms Aquaponics Systems

Bell Peppers Grow WELL in Portable Farms Aquaponics Systems by Colle and Phyllis Davis Bell peppers (green, red, yellow or orange) are a popular crop grown in Portable Farms Aquaponics Systems. They produce large, very flavorful and CRISP bell peppers that can be grown year round. Pepper plants are easily trellised or stalked for vertical …

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