The Economics of Aquaponics By Colle and Phyllis Davis, Inventors, Portable Farms® Aquaponics Systems The information in this article focuses on the economics of aquaponics. We explore the financial aspects as well as people’s desire to learn about the aquaponics technology that allows them to grow food year-round. PFAS LLC has offered our Portable Farms® Aquaponics …
Category: aquaponics systems
Aquaponics in COLD Climates is Ideal for Greens
Aquaponics in COLD Climates is Ideal for Greens – by Colle and Phyllis Davis The key to the success of aquaponics in cold climates is the climatically adapted structure housing the installation. In tropical and warm climate installation, less planning and careful construction are required for success, but even in very cold climates, aquaponics can …
Energy-Saving Devices for Aquaponics in Cold Climates
New Energy-Saving Devices for Aquaponics in Cold Climates – by Colle and Phyllis Davis We receive many inquiries from people who live in very COLD climates who ask us, “Does aquaponics work in cold climates?” And our answer is always, “YES IT DOES! In fact, it’s actually easier to heat a greenhouse than it is …
Here is The Difference Between Hydroponics and Aquaponics
Here is The Difference Between Hydroponics and Aquaponics – by Colle and Phyllis Davis A commercial aquaponics system creates immediate jobs and food for semi-skilled people trained in less than a week. Permanent full-time jobs and year round food production in three months in greenhouses or warehouse. Grows pesticide free food, table vegetables and fish, …
Think Ahead for Winter Growing
Winter Growing in Aquaponics – by Colle and Phyllis Davis Yes, you can grow a variety of crops YEAR ROUND in aquaponics in acclimatized greenhouses if you install grow lights for use during winter months to extend the light of the day. In order to grow food you need six hours of direct sunlight per …
Commercial Aquaponics’ Quick Start Guide – Dream Big
Commercial Aquaponics’ Quick Start Guide – Dream Bigby Colle & Phyllis Davis If your dream is to enter into the exciting field of the commercial aquaponics business and you want to get started as soon as possible, here are some options for your consideration. You will need greenhouse space and renting a greenhouse space (instead …
YEAR ROUND Ideal Growing Conditions for Aquaponics
YEAR ROUND Ideal Growing Conditions for Aquaponics– by Colle and Phyllis Davis One single head of India Mustard (tastes like a spicy lettuce) that was harvested from a Portable Farms® Aquaponics System. Question: “How is it possible that Portable Farms Aquaponics Systems can grow such DELICIOUS and nutrient rich food year round?” Answers: In sunlight, plans …
Want to Make a Chef Weak and Breathless?
Want to Make a Chef Weak and Breathless? – Colle and Phyllis Davis Do you want to know how to make an Executive Chef weak at the knees and breathless? Offer them a farm that grows an unlimited supply of fresh pesticide-free food and home-grown fish that’s near their kitchen. Then, after they wipe tears …
Portable Farms® – Go Solar and OFF GRID. So, Sexy.
Portable Farms® – Go Solar and OFF GRID. So, Sexy.– By Colle and Phyllis Davis PFAS LL offers Portable Farms® Kits designed for SOLAR installations. The PFAS LLC Research Center installation at our headquarters in Southern Florida has operated on solar power since last August and has not missed a beat. The system is 100% …
Growing Marijuana in Aquaponics – Part 1
Marijuana Growing in Aquaponics – Part 1 By Colle and Phyllis Davis Read our Three-Part Series on Marijuana Growing in Aquaponics Marijuana Growing in Aquaponics – Part 1 Marijuana Growing in Aquaponics – Part 2 Marijuana Growing in Aquaponics – Part 3 One of the most frequently asked questions we receive is, “Can I …