– by Colle Davis, Phil Estes and Phyllis Davis

Six greenbeans plants growing vertically in a Grow Table in a Portable Farms Aquaponics System, These six plans easily yielded 200 Kentucky Wonder Green beans with an average length of six inches each.
GET RICH WITH AQUAPONICS ON ONE ACRE but first, begin with a small aquaponics systems to learn to operate it and see if it meets their expectations. Even ONE MODULE to feed eight people is a realistic experiment to ‘get your hands wet.’
With an ROI (Return on Investment) of three to five years, and the possibility that by addressing a specific local market needed to produce a specialty (green) crop such as kale, basil or bok choy, and reducing the ROI to less than two years, investors start to take notice. When a single commercial installation pencils out to yield a net-net in the low six figures and the output can match any wholesale supplier’s prices and still make money, serious investors take note.
Commercial aquaponics installations are not subject to the normal vulgarities of the stock market, derivatives markets, political upheaval, drought, electrical outages, heat waves, unusually hot or cold weather or even state-sponsored corruption.
Aquaponics is trending and today, even city planners are focusing on funding for both hydroponics and aquaponics systems to create higher degrees of food security in large cities to feed their growing urban populations. Their plans include the use of vacant lots for the installation of attractive greenhouses and retrofitting empty warehouses for growing food year round with the addition of grow lights.
The most common request we receive from those would like to become commercial aquaponics farmers is from people who already have the land and want to begin to cover it in aquaponics installations, BUT they do not have the money to make the initial large investment.
One acre of flat, level land covered with four Portable Farms® Aquaponics Systems can make you a millionaire and with an ongoing income of over $300,000 from the full acre per year NET. To fund this size operation all at one time requires approximately US$1.2Million.
Here are several scenarios that demonstrate how to achieve this level of success is stages over time.
Your personal situation will obviously differ from these specific instances, but you can use these scenarios as examples and then adjust them for your unique situation.
Land cost is not a factor – meaning the land is owned or leased at a low rate already
You are willing to invest the time to prepare a quality business plan before you begin.
You have access to $200,000 of capital or the ability to borrow that much
Hard work is not a problem
Marketing is a passion and a way of life for you
You or your partners have successfully operated a growing business for more than 5 years.
A single 10,000 sq. ft. facility can hold approximately 30 Portable Farms® Aquaponics Systems Modules costing from $80,000 to $100,000, installed
The ROI can be from 2 to 4 years depending on your markets and the crops you choose to grow and sell
Payroll for two full time employees to operate a single commercial PFAS Unit (30 modules)
The Net-Net for this example is US$100,000 per year
Four PFAS Units (120 modules) are needed to be a millionaire
Four PFAS Units will require approximately US$1,000,000 of initial investment.

Colle Davis, Lead Inventor, Portable Farms® Aquaponics Systems harvesting a PRIZE WINNING 17-lb bok choy. Oh the joys of aquaponics . . . the fun just never ends! 🙂
To start, do your homework, complete your marketing survey, talk to the casino, high-end restaurant and resort hotel chefs to see how much of their weekly produce they are willing to buy from you. Talk to at least TEN chefs, add the numbers of different vegetables they are requesting together, divide by two (this gives you the built-in expansion for your business) and design your installation to fulfill that amount of produce by the end of your first year of production.
Yep, it’s a LOT of hard work, focus, yours and/or other people’s money and a dedication to bringing the finest food on the planet to your market that can make you a millionaire is a few short years. You actually have to do the work to get there. PFAS LLC’s Portable Farms® Aquaponics Systems technology is one way to have fun in the process.

A 10,000 sq ft greenhouse with Portable Farms Aquaponics Systems installed. Location: Botswana Africa.
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