Portable Farms® Aquaponics System’s PRICE LIST
The FULL Price List includes the items in the Portable Farms® Kit and what is NOT included.
GO TO SECOND BOX ON RIGHT PANEL OF WEBSITE: After providing us with your first name and email address, a link to the price list appears (in two seconds) underneath the box. We do not sell or share any information with third parties or any companies outside of our own.
You may pay with PayPal where you can use Major Credit Cards, and Wire Transfers on orders over US$10,000.
Shipping and postage are FREE for the Portable Farms Kits to addresses in the US only, BUT for all order outside the US there is a US$140 shipping and handling charge.
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Price list please. Do you deliver to Spain?
We no longer ship anywhere. The company is being sold. If you check back in a few months, the new owners can answer the question.
I want to get a price list. Please include both single and multiple purchases. Thank you
We no longer sell the Portable Farms Aquaponics Systems. Please check back in a few months to see if the new owners can help you.
Looking for information to start a small backyard farm. Thank you.
We are only focused on aquaponics. YouTube is the best place to find information on small backyard farms.
Seeking price list
There is a link on the right side of every page on the website.
Interested in your pricee
I can’t find your price list on this computer, and your system won’t let me get it again.
Bryan: I have responded to your request for the price list through email. Phyllis Davis
Prices please
There is a price list on every page of our website. Right Column. Second Box. Just fill in first name and email.
Good Afternoon Phyllis, I just finished going through your website and watching your utube video. WOW! What you have invented here is amazing! My son has talked to me about aquaponics which is what got me interested. I want to build these where people are starving around the world and teach them how to take care of them and help them to become self sustaining communities. I need to learn more about them but also want them out there as quickly as possible. Would a partnership in this venture interest you? Starvation is the real pandemic we have world wide. Give this some thought and let me know. I was thinking Zimbabwe, Vietnam, Mexico and the USA to start. I am open to suggestions as I am still doing research on the countries that need help NOW. Please let me know your thoughts. Thank you, Marri
I’m responding thru email to your inquiry.
Please provide the latest price list of components and shipping to Botswana
I sent an email response to your earlier note to Phyllis. Please send me an email to keep this conversation going. We need to have a working agreement so we can move your project forward.
Jerry: We are having a sale- August 2 – 6, 2021. Visit the link to learn more: https://portablefarms.com/2021/portable-farms-sale-august-2-6-2021
Our NEWLY REVISED 2021 ONLINE self-paced aquaponics course contains all we’ve learned in our 49 years in the field of aquaponics and includes a Portable Farms® Kit containing the technology that is the ‘heartbeat of the system’ that allows our systems to grow such beautiful food and healthy fish.
In celebration of Portable Farms® 13th Year Anniversary, we’re offering
the sale of One Portable Farms® Course and Kit for $1,399.00.
Buy one Portable Farms® Course and the Kit – $1,399.00
or Buy Two Portable Farms® Courses and Kits – $1,999.00
O’fish-ally Your Friends,
Phyllis and Colle Davis
Hello to whom it may concern,
Ran across your website while searching for info on aquaponics.. Very impressive!!!.Retired 25 years to Costa Rica. and now reside outside a small country named Las Juntas de Abagares… Country living at it’s best. The property has a small, year mountain supplied year round creek , on it’s southern edge. Would be perfect for an aquaculture /aquaponic operation. To start am considering a single module, aquaponics installation., to prove up viability – with expansion into a commercial operation planned for the future..
In addition, I am sure that you are aware of the growing dissatisfaction with government. Due to constantly increasing taxation, loss of privacy and freedom in general, is motivating people to flee the USA, Canada and the UK in increasing numbers. Costa Rica was recently nominated as the First Choice retirement destination by International Living magazine.. Costa Rica hosts a large expat population, many owning extensive properties and all potential customers for Portable Farms systems.
This is just a first thought, maybe in the near future w e can explore the possibility for some type of synergistic relationship . Have built and successfully operated a number of businesses here over the years.
In the meantime could you please quote cost of a single module, containing only MUST HAVE items., items that you feel would be unavailable in CR. and therefore would be best supplied by your company.. Cost of shipping being an important issue.
Pura Vida,
Thanks for your interest in Portable Farms.
We’re having a sale February 4-11. https://portablefarms.com/2021/pre-spring-sale-feb-4-to-11-21
Our Portable Farms Kit is shipped upon completion of coursework. Shipping is $140. To see what’s in the kit, please enter your name on the box on the right side of the page on every page our website.
You may build farms for yourself but you may not sell and install for others. Our information is protected and proprietary information.
Our farms are in 25 countries and all 50 states. In fact, we have a few of our farms in Cost Rica.
I know Costa Rica must be a paradise! I’m happy for you. Congratulations.
We are based near Washington, DC and we love our life here.
Stay safe.
Phyllis and Colle Davis
Inventors, Portable Farms Aquaponics Systems
Hey, I really can’t figure out how to get your price list and what’s included.
It’s very very frustrating!!
2nd box on right side of website is ‘commercial aquaponics’
I can’t find it under ‘price list’ either.
Really not easy!
Renee – I’m sorry you had difficulties. Here is the direct link the price list: https://portablefarms.com/thank/pfapl.pdf
Your Friend,
Phyllis Davis
I would like a small outdoor aquaponic system for my family. I will go on my lower deck outside my condo. It is ground level.
Julie – Great idea but you will need at least six hours of direct light or use grow lights 18 hours per day which can be expensive. – Phyllis Davis, President, PFAS LLC
We are having a sale- August 2 – 6, 2021. Visit the link to learn more: https://portablefarms.com/2021/portable-farms-sale-august-2-6-2021
Our NEWLY REVISED 2021 ONLINE self-paced aquaponics course contains all we’ve learned in our 49 years in the field of aquaponics and includes a Portable Farms® Kit containing the technology that is the ‘heartbeat of the system’ that allows our systems to grow such beautiful food and healthy fish.
In celebration of Portable Farms® 13th Year Anniversary, we’re offering
the sale of One Portable Farms® Course and Kit for $1,399.00.
Buy one Portable Farms® Course and the Kit – $1,399.00
or Buy Two Portable Farms® Courses and Kits – $1,999.00
O’fish-ally Your Friends,
Phyllis and Colle Davis
can you send me a complete pricelist?
i am from mauritius.can i have these items .
an electronic tester or test kit to test ammonia,nitrate and ph
can i have duckweeds or any other organic fish food
are the seeds for aquaponics planting different for more productions?
Our price list is available on every page of our website. Thank you for your interest in Portable Farms.
Price listings for a commercial system.
I’m sorry but I am getting very frustrated trying to figure out how to access what is / is not included in a kit and the price list. I have subscribe to the mail list and I’m getting emails….where is the kit information?
Laura: I replied in an email to provide you with the information about the Portable Farms Kit.
Thank you for pointing out the unfriendly mobile version glitch. We’ll see what we can do to remedy the situation. On the regular page the Price List request form is on the top right.
Meantime here is the pricelist URL. http://portablefarms.com/thank/pfapl.pdf
I would like to receive your price list.
We try to make receiving the PRICE LIST easy by placing on every page, top of the right hand column, the FREE PRICE LIST box. Enter an mail address, a name, click SUBMIT and voila, up pops the PRICE LIST.
Speaking of price lists, do you guys have one? ROFL
Sorry we make it so hard to find. At the top of the right column on every page of our website is a form to request the Price List. Fill in your email address and a first same, hit Submit and voila. A few browsers don’t like the format and on some phones you have scroll down a while to find the form.
My Company is situated in Trinidad WI. We have a lot of land 480 feet X 290 feet in size on which I will be constructiing about 10 Commercial Aquaponics Systems in size of 72 Feet X 24 Feet foot print. The reason why I choose that size is because of the constraints and restrictions I have on the land. In addition, the actual footprint of the systems that will be purchased later down the line (say 1 to 2 years from now) will I am sure be larger. I am in the process of grading and installing electricity and water supplies. Constructing the Offices and Security systems.
I would appreciate you providing me with a quote for an Aquaponics System (with and without lettuce) that would fit in the footprint size 72 feet X 24 feet. You may quote the greenhouse separately.
Thank you for your inquiry.
First we do not sell greenhouses, we do not sell complete systems and we do not do project management. All of this information is covered in the PRICE LIST.
Second, the size of the greenhouses you are starting with is tough to work with in order to maximize the coverage in that shape footprint. Using a 30′ x 72′ greenhouse allows for six Grow Table Modules of 6′ x 32′ to be placed inside. The number of PFAS Modules that will fit into the slightly larger size times the 10 greenhouses is the equivalent to two 10,000 sq installation or 1/2 acre.
Third, in order to purchase the Portable Farms® Aquaponics Systems you must place your order and pay for it in advance. PFAS LLC will also provide a construction foremen to train your crews in how to build and operate the PFAS Modules. We actually provide the training to you as part of the technology package at a rate of one student/operator per 10 PFAS Modules purchased. The MINIMUM number of PFAS Kits to qualify for the Commercial PFAS package in 20 PFAS Kits.
The Price List covers how we sell the PFAS Technology. The cost is very carefully laid out and there are no discounts offered.
The best first step is to purchase the Commercial Aquaponics GOLD ebook and complete your marketing survey. The GOLD book covers everything you need to know from concept to shipping production.
We trust this information is helpful.
Please send price list
We make it as easy as possible and hundreds of people receive the PRICE LIST every day. At the top of the right hand column there is a box called something like FREE PRICE LIST. Please enter your email address and a name and, voila! up pops the price list.
Hi I am a Christian missionary serving in Northern Thailand – ChiangRai and ChiangMai. We are hoping to teach the poor Thais and tribal people as well as the homeless children and youth on how to learn and get started on Aquaphonics to that they can earn a sustainable income throughout the year and hopefully be able to commercially sell their produce. The local church that we are serving in is currently ministering to the 16 villages in their vicinity.
Could you tell me more about your Aquaphonics System Course as well as your price list. We hope to set up a Business-as-Mission social enterprise here so as to offer the citizens from these villages gainful employment, learn a sustainable trade as well as to help each other out in their respective villages.
Thank you and God’s Blessings,
The cold, hard, sad truth about the Portable Farms® Aquaponics Systems is that even though they will raise the best locally grown, pesticide free produce in the world (for the people who can afford to purchase such food), most organizations cannot afford the initial cost. The ‘problem’ is that the capital cost (investment required to install a commercial Unit) is higher than most people understand or can afford, think US$300 to US$350 per m2. The operating expenses are very low, mostly in labor so the ongoing ‘cost’ is very reasonable. IF the initial installation was funded as a gift of some kind AND the majority of the food was sold to the highest priced markets, then the installation might be successful.
The ‘interest’ shown on your part demonstrates that you have not read much of the website. The PRICE LIST is available on EVERY PAGE, top of the right side column. To teach the local people AQUAPONICS you will need to use open source information because the Portable Farms® Aquaponics Systems technology is protected intellectual property and cannot be taught except by Aquaponics University. The technology can be demonstrated, but not taught to the locals without the organization possessing the Country Portable Farms® Aquaponics Systems Technology License.
Good luck in all of your endeavors.
Colle Davis
please send a price list.
We make it as easy as we possible know how to receive a price list. At the top of the right hand column on every page is a box that says “Free Price List and Portable Farms® Kit Content List!” and if you will enter your email address and a name and click SUBMIT, up pops the price list.
Free email price list please!
Sorry we make this so complicated. The PRICE LIST form is on EVERY PAGE, top of right hand column. Fill in email and name and up it pops.
Colle Davis – Inventor
Price list
Please notice on the top of the right column on EVERY page of the website there is a box called “Free Price List and Portable Farms® Kit Content List!”. By simply entering your email address and first name, then clicking on Submit voila, up pops the PRICE LIST in a new page. Then you have a price list.
Colle Davis – Inventor
Hello; where can your system be purchased in Canada? Do you have a vendor?
The only way you can ‘purchase’ a Portable Farms® Aquaponics System is by taking the Aquaponics University Portable Farms Aquaponics Systems Course© and the Portable Farms® Kit is included in the course. Once you complete the Course you are pretty much guaranteed that your system will work the moment it is turned on and you will know how to successfully operate it to grow great food forever.
We have students all over the world and they all deal directly with us through Aquaponics University. We look forward to having you as a student.
Colle Davis – Inventor
I was considering purchasing a system but the price is way out of my league, $2500 seems like a lot when most of the equipment still needs to be purchased. Im hoping your prices eventually come down.
There are literally millions of pages on the Internet devoted to aquaponics and you are certainly welcome to put together one or more of those type systems. If you are asking will the Rolls Royce of aquaponics ever be priced as a Yugo, no, that will not happen because the value of the system can never be discounted. You get what you pay for. Please find the system that fits your budget. Some people can afford the finest, and that’s what they buy. For those who want to do aquaponics at a somewhat lower entry level, there are many, many systems that they can choose from and get into aquaponics to see how in can impact every facet of their lives.
We trust this helps in some way.
Colle Davis – Inventor
Have been researching the aquaponics systenm for a while now and found your website very informative. I will like to set one up in Cameroon West Africa on a commercial scale, starting small then expanding. I live now in New Mexico and would like to start here with a backyard system.Can I grow other types of fish such as catfish, snapper,croaker or red tilipia fish in this aquaponics system? I look forward to your reply.Thanks.
Thank you for the kind words. Any warm-water, fresh-water, herbivorous or omnivorous fish will work. You named several salt water species which will not work because the plants do not like salt water. Taking the Aquaponics University Course now is the perfect idea so you have some ‘wet hands’ time before you go commercial.
Good luck.
Colle Davis – Inventor
I’m interested in building a greenhouse in my backyard to sustain a family of 5-8 for life. I am interested in better understanding what the $2,500 provides in terms of materials.
The PRICE LIST which is available on every page of the website, right hand column, third box down, actually has a complete list of everything in the PFAS Kit and all of the additional materials that you will need to construct your own installation.
Colle Davis – Inventor
i am wanting to set up a business in england using 2 30ft wide 90ft long polly tunnel for growing and 1 for the fish ..would that work ??
was woundering what fish can be used as i was thinking of using trout and to grow peppers, tomatoes, cucumbers and chillies and possibly melons and strawberries
how much would this cost to the point of operation ?
any additional information / help would be appriated
many thanks
You are welcome to use any setup and any fish/plant combination you would like to try. Be forewarned, there is a huge possibility you will fail unless you us the Portable Farms® Aquaponics Systems. The PFAS is specifically and carefully designed to work anywhere a climatically adapted structure is in place, the operators are trained (as in, has taken the Aquaponics University Course) and the choice of fish and plants are chosen carefully.
From your questions it is obvious you haven’t even read much of this website, so after you have done so, you will have those answers.
Colle Davis – Inventor
My name is Steen Laursen and I’m a danish man there is living in Ukraine for the last 12 years. And I have been looking in to Hydroponic system and aeroponics, and the last few months I have bin putting my atention on aquaponics. And I have to say that I like this way best, but I will like to get alot more of information from you. And also to get some idea about your service, are you making blueprint projects for pepole, ore are you only make ready projects ??. Can I use the water in aeroponic from aquaponic?? can I use the water in NFT system ???. Can you send me your pricelist so I can see have it is in the financial corner. I’m looking now for the company to help me whit this project, and the size of the project will be 2000m2 from the begining. And the target is to have 1000 salads in week and around 100-150 Kg of green in a week. So I will like you to look in to this and come back to me whit a gos offer.
Best regards
Steen Laursen
I am a 75 year old optometrist with a small 8′ X 12′ greenhouse in the Boston, MA area in which I have been experimenting with both flood and drain and deep water raft aquaponic systems for about a year.
I am convinced that aquaponics has a very significant future but has not yet even had the surface scratched.
It is unclear to me exactly why aquaponic systems have not yet been appearing widely all over the world. I would like to be part of this revolution in food production but don’t yet have a business plan. There seems to be a wide variety of favorite approaches to aquaponic systems most of which have not been standardized for modular and expandable development. Portable Farms, however, seems to have the capability to develop the aquaponic movement and become the “Microsoft” of aquaponics. Opportunities exist worldwide but they will not be satisfied without some coordinated business plan. The efforts that I have made in my small greenhouse have served to convince me of the future success of aquaponics and I could attempt to start a small local business but I would prefer to be part of something bigger. Most present aquaponic companies,such as Portable Farms, The Aquaponic Source, and others seem to be in the business of training and selling systems to small customers. I think that aquaponics deserves a more ambitious goal and I think that Portable Farms may be in a good position to work towards that goal.
I believe that the Portable Farms turnkey modular systems should be mass produced at low cost and marketed to restaurants, food markets, and individuals especially in cities worldwide. I’m sure you have considered these issues and would be interested in your thoughts and plans for the future.
David Greenstein OD
Thank you for the very kind words. Because you have had your hands wet in the technology, you can actually speak with authority, we salute you also.
We are also baffled by the slow start to commercial aquaponics and are doing our best to make the implementation of the technology as effortless as possible. The two big stumbling blocks are the lack of track record and the perceived ‘high cost’ on the front end. We have never had a regular farmer purchase one. The main interest is now coming from investors who have never been ‘into’ farming, but are looking for a reasonable ROI and safety for their money.
PFAS LLC is focused on providing the backyard people with an package that works the moment it is installed, the components are warranted and that can be installed by competent do-it-yourselves. To this end we have Aquaponics University and the AU Course which includes the PFAS Technology Kit. However our main focus is now commercial installations. There are over 30 projects currently in the pipeline and it appears that in the next year or so the public will be an acknowledgement of aquaponics, as in Portable Farms, as the wave of the future.
Do stay tuned.
Colle Davis – Inventor
Interested in the free and instantaneous price list thanks!
Every page of the website has the FREE PRICE LIST sign up on the right hand side, second blue box down. You type in your email address and first name and voila, up pops the PRICE LIST.
Colle Davis – Inventor
I’m interested in the backyard size system.
This website have over 300 pages and all of the information you need is here somewhere. Use the SEARCH box in the top right corner of each page.
Colle Davis – Inventor
Price list please?
The Price List is available on EVERY PAGE of the website. Right hand column, second small blue box. You fill in your email address and your first name and voila, there it is.
Colle Davis – Inventor
Pls. Send me †ђξ price list of your greenhouse which Ȋ̝̊̅§ to be constructed at Ibadan in Nigeria. Thanks
We do not sell or install greenhouses of any type or size. We will install a PFAS system into a climatically adapted structure that you have built to the correct specifications. There are hundreds of greenhouse manufactures in the world. The PFAS in Lagos has a custom build 600m2 building for their system.
Sorry not to be of more help.
Colle Davis – Inventor
please provide a catalogue and price list for 1/4 1/2 and 1 acre farms. I tried your icontact marketing submission and it is not functioning properly, so you are next in the chain. Sorry to bother, I want to feed the world and must start somewhere.
Respectfully in truth and liberty,
We moved our whole website to a new hosting company and missed a couple of links on iContact. Sorry. I’ll send you the link in a separate email.
Colle Davis
That is a VERY small system if you are wanting to expand. A structure 10′ x 20′ can have two small Modules creating a little over 100 sq ft of grow space. A space of 25 sq ft will feed one adult their table vegetables (not potatoes, carrots and other root vegetables) year round, forever. The cost on a small Unit like that is approximately US$4,700. If you are good with tools and careful in purchasing materials you can do it for about two thirds of that price.
To expand in tough on such a small unit. Suggestion: Build as large a climatically adapted structure as you can afford and start with one Module. Then add Modules as you can afford to grow. Make the build wide enough to accommodate a full length Grow Tray (20 to 40 ft long) and then add more in side by side. Several commercial installations are being expanded in exactly that fashion.
If you start with a 20′ x 30′ Unit and place the Modules across the 30′ dimension then you can comfortable fit in three large Modules. This way you will have over 300 sq ft of grow space and produce enough for 12 adults giving you some income right away. Even if you could only afford a single Module you would start with 135 sq ft of growing space.
Good luck.
Colle Davis, Inventor
Can you send me a list of your commercial system pricies? This is to fit a 40′ x 160′ greenhouse in the tropics (Trinidad & Tobago)
Thank you for your inquiry. Under separate cover I sent you the Fact Sheet for a commercial installation for a greenhouse of that size. Twenty Modules will fit nicely into that space so use the figure listed for ten the kits and double it. It appears you already have the greenhouse, if so, then you can ignore the figures noted on the Fact Sheet for a climatically adapted greenhouse. You will still need materials to build the Modules.
Do you want to build only a single Unit? or do you want to become the License Holder for your island nation? The first Fact Sheet we sent you is for a site or Expandable license. If you want to build more Units or sell them to others you will need a Territorial License. I also sent you the Territorial License information, again double the cost of the Kits to figure out total cost.
The Return on Investment of your money in your area will be less than four years for a PFAS Unit of this size and if you build a second Unit that one will pay itself off is only two years.
Please feel free to contact us if you have more questions or want to schedule your installation.
Talk soon.
Colle Davis, CEO Portable Farms LTD