Aquaponics University

 Aquaponics University

A Teaching Division of PFAS LLC

Sustainability is an important key to the future of the world. Join us!


PFAS LLC offers a NEW ONLINE self-paced aquaponics course.


Portable Farms® Aquaponics Systems are the most efficient aquaponics systems in the world.


CLICK HERE to enroll in the Aquaponics Course.

PFAS LLC offers a self-paced online course that teaches users how to assemble and operate a Portable Farms® Aquaponics System.  Most students dedicate an hour per day for a week or ten days to complete the course. Upon satisfactory completion of the course, graduates receive a Portable Farms® Kit used in the assembly of the aquaponics module that is capable of feeding eight people table vegetables and fish . . . forever.  For more information and to order: CLICK HERE.

To find out what is IN the Portable Farms®  Kit and what is NOT in the Portable Farms®  Kit , please request the FREE AND INSTANTANEOUS PRICE LIST (top right box on every page of this website). One Portable Farms Kit provides you with the technology to assemble one module which feeds 8 people. Want to feed more people? Then order more Portable Farms®  Kits. Yes, it’s THAT EASY.

We accept MasterCard, Visa, PayPal and Wire Transfers. If you’d prefer, you may call us to give us your credit number over the phone: 800-906-0256 OR 800-952-6224. We also accept checks, wire transfers and money orders.

Shipping and postage are included to addresses in the US only, BUT for all order outside the US there is a US$140 shipping and handling charge. 

There is a lot more to learn about this important subject, and we want to tell you more about Portable Farms® Aquaponics System and we can teach you about this topic and what you want to know about owning and operating your own successful aquaponics system so you can become more self-sustaining:  CLICK HERE.

We accept MasterCard, Visa, PayPal and Wire Transfers.

Hear Colle Davis, Lead Inventor, Portable Farms Aquaponics Systems, talk about commercial aquaponics and his book, Commercial Aquaponics GOLD. 

Commercial Aquaponics Gold, EBOOK. For more information and to purchase, CLICK HERE.

  • This comprehensive information about commercial aquaponics provides you will all the facts you’ll need to make an informed business decision about commercial aquaponics growing in controlled environment agricultural (CEA).
  • We’re also offering TWO FREE BONUSES with the purchase of Commercial Aquaponics GOLD: 1) A formal ten-step strategy business plan template designed specifically for commercial aquaponics growing to present to funders and, 2) PFAS LLC’s Executive Summary showing production and operating costs, profits and best-produce choices to achieve the shortest Return on Investment.

Below is an outline of the 26 sections (A-Z) included in the Portable Farms® Aquaponics System Course© designed for training people to assemble, operate and raise healthy organic vegetables and aquatic animals (fish) in the Portable Farms® Aquaponics Systems through Aquaponics University, a wholly-owned training division of PFAS LLC.

Section A: Preface to coursework and overview with images for main components of the aquaponics system

  • Easy formulation for sizing needs based on number of people the aquaponics system will feed.
  • Calculation for determining the size required for the fish tank.
  • Grow lights for structures, locations or areas with limited available sunlight.
  • Overview for an acclimatized greenhouse structure for year-round growing in an aquaponics system. 

Section B: Overview and images of the interior of aquaponics system

  • Explanation of the components that are incorporated into the aquaponics system for easy care.
  • Ratios for grow space vs gallons of water required for an efficient aquaponics system.
  • Recommendations for sunscreen protection for interior of structure (greenhouse).
  • Determination for required feet ‘head room’ above grow trays for maximum plant production. 

Section C: Terms and definition regarding the aquaponics system

  • Terms and their definition that are used in the coursework, assembly and operations. 

Section D: Site requirements for the aquaponics system

  • Considerations prior to the installation of the structure (greenhouse).
  • Suggestions for basic requirements regarding installation of grow trays, air flow within the structure and alternative energy. 

Section E: Materials lists and cost estimates for assembly of the aquaponics system

  • Materials lists and US prices (approximate) for lumber, fish tank, fish and other pertinent supplies and materials.
  • Suggestions regarding the purchase of a breeding colony for aquaponics. 

Section F: Assembly of clarifier (settling tank) as component of the aquaponics system

  • Explanation and basic operation of clarifier.
  • Location, requirements, drum, PVC fittings,  and proper plumbing of clarifier. 

Section G – Fish tanks and introducing the fish into the fish tank in the aquaponics system

  • The formula for the volume (size) of the fish tank.
  • Fish recommendation.
  • Recommended maximum loading capacity of the fish in relation to the size of the grow tray.
  • Water temperature maintenance and insulation designs for maintaining recommended narrow temperature range for maximum fish health.
  • Building a tank to protect the fish and maintain temperature range. 

Section H: Assembly of grow tray tables in the aquaponics system

  • Directions for building and waterproofing methods for grow tray.
  • Examples for assembly of sturdy legs to support the weight of the grow tray.
  • Plumbing the grow tray for effective water flow to feed and water plants.
  • Effectively installing medium into grow tray. 

Section I: Explanation of required necessary electrical components in the aquaponics system

  • List of electrical components, their function and installation 

Section J: Calibrated Air Displacement (CAD) pump in the aquaponics system

  • Explanation, images and installation of the CAD pump. 

Section K: Plumbing the aquaponics system for water flow in the aquaponics system

  • Instructions for connecting all the basic elements of the system together with PVC pipe. 

Section L: Conclusion to assembly section for the aquaponics system

Section M: Basic operations of the aquaponics system

  • Information overview regarding the yields, care of plants and fish and the water in their tanks. 

Section N: The fish and the support of their health and growth in the aquaponics system

  • Reasons for use of a variety of all-male fish in aquaponics.
  • Feeding and care of the fish in the tanks.
  • Restocking fish after harvest.
  • Discussion for use of duck weed and suggestions and resources for raising duck weed for feeding fish. 

Section O: Pumps in the aquaponics system

  • Overview and installation of pumps for moving water through the system. 

Section P: Climate and weather specific operations and emergency solutions (due to power failure) in the aquaponics system.

  • Operating the system during normal weather conditions, hot conditions, cool or cold conditions and during emergency situations (power outages). 

Section Q: The operations and cleaning of the clarifier in the aquaponics system

  • Directions for routine cleaning and disposal of the fish waste.
  • Maintenance of the clarifier for keeping the fish healthy and the plants happy and well fed. 

Section R: The grow tray table and your plants in the aquaponics system

  • Vertical growing and trellis design features in the grow tray for maximum support of the growth of tall green plants or blooming plants.
  • Safety and hygiene issues for aquaponics that are vital to health of fish and plants.
  • Plant and harvest suggestions for maintaining optimal growth in the grow tray.
  • Care and cleaning of the areas around the grow trays to maintain as clean an interior structure as possible for maximum healthy, safety and productivity of both plants and fish. 

Section S: Seed planting and harvesting in the aquaponics system

  • Use of mineral rock dust when planting and growing all plants to support maximum growth.
  • Suggestions for organic growing mediums for planting seeds.
  • Seed and variety suggestions for growing greens and blooming plants.
  • Planting and caring for plants in the grow tray.
  • Indoor pollination suggestions. 

Section T: The physical structure for the aquaponics system

  • Recommendation for a greenhouse cover that offers 83% diffusion for scattering light within interior of structure.
  • Sun shade for interior of structure.
  • Advantages for greenhouse structure
  • What NOT to do regarding physical structure. 

Section U: Fish harvesting and restocking methods in the aquaponics system

  • Recommendations for harvesting only the fish in the tank that are harvest size.
  • Suggestions for creating minimal stress on the smaller fish that remain in the fish tank that were not harvested. 

Section V: Fish processing and cooking freshly harvested fish in the aquaponics system

  • Humane way to fill fish.
  • Easy way to gut fish.
  • Simple way to fillet fish. 

Section W: Ongoing operations of the aquaponics system

  • Recommended daily ‘chores’ for raising plants and fish.
  • Normal maintenance issues related to the gravel, fish tanks, clarifier for maximum production.
  • Routine cleanliness-related topics for healthy food and fish.
  • Methods for monitoring plants to assure no insects impact food within the structure. 

Section X:Food safety and technology on-farm food safety in the aquaponics system

  • Good food practices on aquaponics farm offered by a major US university related to the following basic sanitation procedures to significantly minimize risks.
  • Key areas of food safety considerations in aquaponics include human sanitation, harvesting produce safely, managing warm-blooded animal feces, water sources for fish and produce, zoonoses prevention and disposing of the system’s waste water. 

Section Y:Guidelines for growing health plants and fish in the aquaponics system

  • Worm casting tea as a foliage spray for enhanced plant health
  • Smoking prohibited due to Tobacco Mosaic Virus
  • Monitoring and adjusting pH balance to assure plant health and productivity as well as fish health and safety. 

Section Z: Recognizing pests (bugs/insects) within the aquaponics system

  • Simple organic solutions for ridding pests from the structure.
  • Recommendations for protecting structure from pests.

Aquaponics University (AU) offers an easy-to-understand home-study course that teaches individuals how to grow chemical-free food and fish in a closed-loop system.

Aquaponics University (AU) offers our own Portable Farms® Aquaponics System Course© that teaches individuals how to grow chemical-free food and fish in a closed-loop system.

  • Each Portable Farms® Kit provides the user with the technology necessary to build one module measuring up to 5’ x 40’. A 5’ x 40’ One PFAS module feeds eight people their table vegetables and fish, forever.
  • All the materials to build a Portable Farm (except the vital components in the Portable Farms® Kit) can be sourced locally and installed by local workers (which creates local jobs and helps the local economy.)
  • Portable Farms® Aquaponics Systems are ‘modular’ and can be customized to match the available space in a climatically adapted greenhouse or structure. This new pricing is for PFAS KITS and tuitions for the Portable Farms® Aquaponics System Course©. The PFAS Kits are only sold in conjunction with satisfactory completion of the Portable Farms™ Aquaponics System Course©.  We do not sell or build greenhouses or climatically adapted structures.

Portable Farms® Aquaponics Systems Aquaponics Systems (patent application filed December 23, 2013) are guaranteed to be operational the moment they are installed. Portable Farms® can begin producing harvestable food in less than 40 days, anywhere in the world.

  • Return on Investment for commercial sized units (10,000 sq ft systems) is three to five years.
  • Portable Farms® use 90 to 95% less water than in-ground growing.
  • For 10,000 sq ft system, the total electrical usage is approximately the same as a three bedroom home and feeds 250 people – FOREVER.
  • Can be solar or wind powdered.
  • Raises organic greens and blooming plants year round – GMO free.
  • Grows healthy fish. Requires only two semi-skilled workers to feed 250 people per year.
  • Quick and easy installation anywhere in the world.
  • Harvest food 30 to 40 days after installation.
  • Fully automated growing operation. No weeding. No watering.
  • No chemicals, pesticides, hormones or antibiotics used in operations.
  • Waist high grow trays for easy planting and harvesting.
  • Operators trained online in easy to follow tutorials.
What Does Offer?
  • Aquaponics University is the school and teaching application designed by the inventors of Portable Farms® Aquaponics systems to teach our clients and customers how to a build a Portable Farms® Aquaponics System.
  • A Portable Farms® Aquaponics System is a method for growing organic vegetables and fish in a controlled-environment greenhouse.
  • Our clients and students must provide their own acclimatized greenhouses or another structure for their climate and location.
  • We also provide a materials cutting list in Portable Farms® Aquaponics System Course© for students to pre-purchase materials to build their own Portable Farms® Aquaponics System.
  • The client and student are provided a Portable Farms® Kit after satisfactory completion of the Portable Farms® Aquaponics System Course© that contains the proprietary intellectual property that makes Portable Farms® Aquaponics System the most efficient aquaponics system in the world.
  • The only way we sell backyard or commercial aquaponics systems is after our customers have successfully completed the online course through Aquaponics University.
  • This online course is offered online to residents of the US and Canada and certain select countries only.
  • Backyard Installation: Each participant who successfully completes the Portable Farms® Aquaponics System Course© receives a Portable Farms Kit with the Portable Farms™ Aquaponics Systems’ technology to build one module. The online course includes assembly, operations and lessons on plant and fish care. This kit contains only the technology and the rest of the farm must be built by the owner at their expense (which includes lumber, gravel, PVC, etc.)
  • Most graduates complete the Portable Farms® Aquaponics System Course© in less than two weeks by working on the course only ONE hour per day and then go on to build their own Portable Farm!

Aquaponics (the simplest definition being “the symbiotic cultivation of plants and aquatic animals in a recirculating environment”) has been around in various forms for thousands of years. The skills taught through Aquaponics University (AU) shows users how to produce yields that fall well within established production parameters for existing aquaponics systems, but with a much more stable system requiring less intervention, featuring much greater environmental sustainability as well as the need for far less electrical power, water or labor.

Yearly Production From Portable Farms® Aquaponics Systems

A 100′ x 100′ ( 30m x 30m) unit produces 80,000 vegetables and 23,000 pounds (10,400 kg) of fish

A 24′ x 46′ (7.3m x 14m) unit produces 8,600 vegetables and 1,156 pounds (524 kg) of fish

A  10′ x 20 ( 3m x 6m) unit produces 1,100 vegetables and 400 pounds (180 kg) of fish

Aquaponics is at the cutting edge of technology for the future of food to feed the world’s ever-increasing population. Aquaponics University was created in direct response to the global demand for training for:

– Families to build and own their own backyard aquaponics systems to increase their abilities to become self-sustaining by growing a large portion of their own fresh, organic food near their kitchens

– An environmentally safe and productive alternative to over-harvesting fish from oceans, rivers and streams

– Plus, the limited nature of in-ground-agricultural growing due to drought and flooding, food distribution to those who need it most, and the high cost of soil preparation, irrigation, harvesting methods and technology.

Paying clients for Aquaponics University may ask for and receive a full refund of their tuition until they login to the online Portable Farms® Aquaponics System Course© . Once any of the Course Materials have been logged into by the customer, no refund of any amount will be refunded because the user has received protected intellectual property and gained benefits from the Course Materials.

The instructions contained in the Aquaponics University Course are designed to be presented to create a working Portable Farms® Aquaponics Systems that operates correctly and successfully as stated in our literature as soon as it is completed and turned on. Any deviations regarding design layout, size of Grow Table or Fish Tank, height of grow tray, depth of Grow Tables or Fish Tank, fish-stocking rate, PVC diameter and connections, placement within a structure with recommendations for air flow, protection from weather elements and insects, recommendation for size of air pumps and siphon pump, timing for the pumping systems or any other nonstandard installation changes will void any and all guarantees and warranties. If there are any deviations to these and other specifications covered in the Aquaponics University course, there will be no follow up support forthcoming.

If any problems that arise with a Portable Farms® Aquaponics System that has been built to the specifications in the Aquaponics University course, when you contact PFAS LLC, please include .jpg images* and complete written descriptions of the ‘problem’ so we can contact you with help in solving any issues you may have for moving your project forward.

*.jpg format: Minimum size image of 7″ wide x 5.75 wide – resolution 300 – or 2100 pix wide and 1575 height


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    • FAROUQ BEGUMISA on 2018-09-02 at 2:23 am
    • Reply

    I am Farouq Begumisa from Uganda. I would like to know if you teach aquaponics at your university.
    if yes i would like to know the requirements and all the costs that might be involved.


    1. Here is a link to the information about enrolling in Aquaponics University.

    2. Farouq: We are having a sale- August 2 – 6, 2021. Visit the link to learn more:

      Our NEWLY REVISED 2021 ONLINE self-paced aquaponics course contains all we’ve learned in our 49 years in the field of aquaponics and includes a Portable Farms® Kit containing the technology that is the ‘heartbeat of the system’ that allows our systems to grow such beautiful food and healthy fish.

      In celebration of Portable Farms® 13th Year Anniversary, we’re offering
      the sale of One Portable Farms® Course and Kit for $1,399.00.

      Buy one Portable Farms® Course and the Kit – $1,399.00
      or Buy Two Portable Farms® Courses and Kits – $1,999.00

      O’fish-ally Your Friends,
      Phyllis and Colle Davis

    • Joseph Dode on 2018-07-12 at 5:18 am
    • Reply

    Is there a way to take the course without the kit. I am in Maryland but want to build Aquaponic farms in my native Ghana. I will source most of the things locally so the prices will be cheaper. Also can you send me the details of the wooden greenhouse?


    1. Joseph: We don’t sell greenhouses or greenhouse plans. Our customers always buy local lumber, gravel, pvc etc. The only thing we ship are the small pumps we designed that make the system operate. We don’t sell the course separately from the Portable Farms Kit. Please refer to our website and request the price list which lists what is included in the Portable Farms Kit and what is NOT included. Thanks for your interest in Portable Farms. – Colle Davis, CEO, PFAS LLC

    2. Joseph: We are having a sale- August 2 – 6, 2021. Visit the link to learn more:

      Our NEWLY REVISED 2021 ONLINE self-paced aquaponics course contains all we’ve learned in our 49 years in the field of aquaponics and includes a Portable Farms® Kit containing the technology that is the ‘heartbeat of the system’ that allows our systems to grow such beautiful food and healthy fish.

      In celebration of Portable Farms® 13th Year Anniversary, we’re offering
      the sale of One Portable Farms® Course and Kit for $1,399.00.

      Buy one Portable Farms® Course and the Kit – $1,399.00
      or Buy Two Portable Farms® Courses and Kits – $1,999.00

      O’fish-ally Your Friends,
      Phyllis and Colle Davis

    • Liew on 2016-09-17 at 4:24 am
    • Reply


    I was wondering whether the Portable Farms Aquaponics Systems Junior Course© is still available cause i click on the link you provide to Mr Keith in the earlier query but there was an error. Kindly advise.

    Thank you

    1. Liew,

      Sorry we somehow missed that link. There several hundred pages on the website. The Junior Course has not been available for quite a while now.


    • Keith on 2015-04-23 at 4:53 pm
    • Reply

    Is there a option to take the course without purchasing the kit. I am very impressed with the course outline as it appears to cover every detail. But I would like to experiment and design/build my own system.



    1. Keith,

      Yes. The Aquaponics University Portable Farms Aquaponics Systems Junior Course© is exactly what you are looking for to move forward. The PFAS Junior Course covers the assembly and operations of a medium based aquaponics system and does NOT include the Portable Farms® Kit. It is also is a bit modified from our regular Course because it does not contain the information on the patent pending components of the Portable Farms® Aquaponics Systems. We have a Junior installation next to our pool here in Florida. There are pictures of in several places on this website.

      We look forward to having you as a student.


    • Hélio A. Moreira on 2015-03-09 at 9:21 pm
    • Reply

    Hi Colle. I am a Brasilian guy and I AM VERY INTERESTED in Aquaponic University course in USA for a commercial bussiness and I would like to know if you guys have an INTENSE COURSE, like in 10 days or so. In order to atend only one hour a day course. Case I will be flying from BRAZIL and have to stay in a Hotel and other spences too. And there is no problem to if you don’t have it. I’m willing to take a 2 or 3 weeks course. I’m am SO EXCITED I found you GUYS. It’s kind I’ve been praying for these MY ENTIRE LIFE. I have a farm with lots of space for these project. I would like to know the dates for future COURSE? So I can arrange myself to go to US. I am getting to know as much as possible about AQUAPONICS and fish grow IN-DOOR. I’ve seen some of your videos and know I know I finely found the right people. Thank you and youre family and team to help save the world from hangryness. Here I want to do the same. Thanks a lot for now. (maby I’ll have more questions that are not in my mind now, but I’ll send you othe e-mails)

    1. Helio,

      Boy do we have a deal for you! The Aquaponics University Course is an EMAIL CORRESPONDENCE COURSE that you can take in Brazil at your own pace. You will not have to travel at all. We have not offered the on-site AU Course for over five years. You take the AU Course at your own rate and when you have satisfactorily finished it, we send you the Diploma and the Portable Farms® Kit so you can build your first aquaponics installation.

      We look forward to having you as a student.


    • Nate on 2015-02-25 at 1:25 am
    • Reply

    I live in SLC, UT, I have been looking into aquaponics and was wondering if a misting system would be beneficial or not, thank you, Im a big fan.

    1. Nate,

      The misting systems take much more precise pumps, timers and FILTERS to remain operational. We have avoided them because of the complexity not because they don’t work.

      Thanks for the kind words.


    • Natalie on 2015-02-01 at 12:02 am
    • Reply

    Hi guys, great work. I love this invention. I love what you have done so far to help victims of war and natural disasters…im very keen to do your course. Is Australia one of the selected countries? Thanks in advance.

    1. Natalie,

      Thank you for the very kind words. We have a number of students in Australia who are part of the hundreds of students of the Portable Farms® Aquaponics Systems around the world. The only exclude countries are those which do not honor intellectual property rights. We look forward to having you on board as a student.

      Colle Davis – Inventor

    • Ray on 2014-01-14 at 1:48 pm
    • Reply

    I would love to start a commercial aquaponics business here in SE Missouri. I am just worried about how to get buyers. Does your course cover that aspect at all?

    1. Ray,

      Your fear in well founded. The number ONE step in commercial aquaponics is FIND THE MARKETS to buy the prodigious amount of food the installations produce. The reason for the 6 Questions is to insure that anyone interested in commercial aquaponics has their market in place before they begin construction. We have turned down business because people wanted to build the installations and THEN find their markets. That is a formula for failure and we have no desire to be associated with failure. We do everything in our power to make you look good and to succeed, but you have to follow the outline of success to get there.

      We trust this information helps.

      Colle Davis – Inventor

  1. Hi Colle. I’ve been informing my self on the subject I’ve bought DVDs and read articles and saw allot of online videos. But still some things are not clear yet for me. Eventually my research led me here. And I’m very willing to take the course. I hope that by doing that I can get started, cause all the info I’ve got so far isn’t enough. Question: in order to take the course… Should I have any technical knologe about pluming or arquitechture or any pre-required technical knologe in order to take the course? For example I’ve never build a greenhouse… Will I know how in this course? Thank you.

    • Sonya Alday on 2012-03-08 at 1:20 pm
    • Reply

    I would like more information on Aquaponics University.

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