
Buy a Portable Farms® Aquaponics System – Grow Your Own Food

Buy a Portable Farms® Aquaponics System

Build, own and operate your own backyard aquaponics system.
One module of Portable Farms Aquaponics Systems feeds a family of eight year round.
Install twenty to thirty modules and sell the food you grow in a commercial aquaponics operation.

To find out what is IN the Portable Farms® Kit and what is NOT in the Portable Farms® Kit , please request the FREE AND INSTANTANEOUS PRICE LIST (second box on top panel on every page of this website).

Most students complete this online course in about twelve hours. It’s self-paced and you have one year to complete the course. Many families install a backyard aquaponics system over a weekend assuming they have some basic skills for home repair and have access to repair tools.

You can learn everything you need to know about building your own aquaponics system and growing healthy food by taking our FUN and easy-to-follow.

Upon satisfactory completion of the course, graduates receive a Portable Farms® Kit used in the assembly of the aquaponics module that is capable of building a grow table large enough to feed eight people table vegetables and fish . . . forever.

Aquaponics raises tilapia in the Northern Hemisphere as the ‘nutrient source’ for the vegetables. Portable Farms’ technology removes the heavy effluent (fish waste) from the fish tanks before it circulates through the grow tables. Tilapia are a warm water, fresh water fish. “Tilapia in the US presents a final high overall score of 8.84, and therefore is ranked Green or “Best Choice” overall.” READ MORE about Tilapia from Seafood Watch.

You will need these tools: power saw, hammer, power drill, level, hydraulic jack (for leveling), staple gun, hack saw or PVC pipe cutter, box cutter and maybe a few band-aids.

  • Think of the Grow Table as a large shallow tray on legs. You will need two people, three is better because the Grow Table is heavy.
  • The hardest part of the process is washing and placing the gravel a slow, heavy and wet process best delegated to young, strong helpers.
  • Building a Portable Farms® Aquaponics Systems Module does requires some carpentry skills and a person with the skills to hang a door or build a cabinet will do a fine job.

To find out what is IN the Portable Farms® Kit and what is NOT in the Portable Farms® Kit , please request the FREE AND INSTANTANEOUS PRICE LIST (second box on top panel on every page of this website).

Let us teach you how to grow healthy fish and vegetables so you can become increasingly self-sustaining.

  • Our 45 years of experience in aquaponics is now available to teach you how to feed your family FOREVER. [Read our History: CLICK HERE.]

Portable Farms® Aquaponics Systems  Are the Most
Productive and Reliable Aquaponics Systems in the World

  • Portable Farms® grow food in greenhouses, warehouses or underground structures.

  • Without the use of any pesticides, harsh chemicals, antibiotics or hormones.

  • Portable Farms® use 95% less water than traditional agricultural methods.

  • Portable Farms® use less electrical power than any other aquaponics system in the world and can be solar or wind powered.

  • Portable Farms® provide table vegetables (greens and blooming plants such as tomatoes, peppers, etc.) and fish (tilapia) as a protein source to maintain optimal health.

  • Three people can operate one-quarter of an acre of Portable Farms® which feeds 240 people forever. Twelve people can operate one acre of Portable Farms® which feeds 1,000 people forever.

  • Portable Farms® can be operated by semi-skilled labor and people of almost any age (young and old).

  • Greens grown in Portable Farms® can be harvested in as few as 28 days after installation and continue producing forever .

  • Portable Farms® feed families, communities, cities, countries and the world.


View Comments

  • I've always been interested in aquaponics and it's time for me to begin.
    I want to begin with feeding my family first and if I like it, I want to try a hand at commercial.
    I live on 4 acres. I have a sun room but I also have a 2100 sq foot garage with tall ceilings.
    I am ready to begin right away.

    • The sale price is a two-for-one so it's an economical way for you to launch into aquaponics.
      Phyllis Davis

    • George - Thanks for your note. Forgive my delay in responding. I've been very sick with a serious respiratory issues (NOT COVID) but it's kept me out of the office. Again, forgive me.

      As an apology, I can offer you the sale price that just ended of US$1,599 for one Portable Farms Kit and online training if you take advantage of that sale today. Here is the link for the sale.
      The sale ended on 10/15 and I'm currently removing it from the website tomorrow.

      Let me know if you're interested in this offer. If it's not a convenient time, I understand. The regular price is US$1,995.

      Thank you George. We look forward to working with you.
      Phyllis Davis, President, PFAS LLC
      804-467-3752 (EST)

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