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Hello, do you know the total ounces one basil plant will yield if using the 4 month continuous harvest method?
Here is a link back to our website with information about growing and harvesting basil.
Hi there.
I am having a problem with Downey mildew on the basil. Is there any new developments in combating this?
Dave Sellick
Fans. More sunlight for the basil. Hope this helps.
Hello - thank you firstly for sharing the great info on aquaponic Basil growing. I wonder how much weight you are harvesting per plant(i.e. sellable weight) of the two cutting times you mentioned. I'm trying to put together an estimate for produce per week per plant. Many thanks!
There are over 80 varieties of basil so the variables make it tough to answer the question. Rough guesstimate is between two and five ounces per plant per harvest. Best we can do for you. It's much better to grow in your own system to know for sure.
Hi Portable Farms.
Thanks for the great article.
I have quick questions. I have a small basic Ibc ebb and flow system at home.
Each time I have tried growing Basil the plant seems to be stunted and starts flouring quite quickly. Not the big strong growth I usually see with the plant in other system.
Any idea what this could be from?
Perhaps depth of the grow bed or its not left to drain longer enough.
Please shate some wisdom you might have.
Colin from Johannesburg South Africa
Because you have provided so little information on temperature, lighting, fish numbers and size, this response is going to be a guess: You need more light and less water contact time. Please accept that these are guesses. Provide more light and less water and see what happens.
Most medium based systems we have seen run way too much water through them. A couple of cycles or an hour or so each day is plenty.
We trust this helps in some manner.