Feed 8 People FOREVER in ONE 40′ Grow Tray! by Colle and Phyllis Davis — Build, own and operate your own backyard aquaponics system. —One module of Portable Farms Aquaponics Systems feeds a family of eight year round. — Install twenty to thirty modules and sell the food you grow in a commercial aquaponics operation. PFAS LLC offers …
Category: How to grow food in aquaponics systems
NO! Aquaponics Food DOES NOT ‘Taste Fishy!’
NO! Aquaponics Food DOES NOT ‘Taste Fishy!’ – by Colle and Phyllis Davis Each time we are asked, “Does aquaponic’s food ‘tastes fishy?’” we are tempted to say, “Do the vegetables you buy at the supermarket, or at the farmers market taste like cow manure?” Here’s how Portable Farms® Aquaponics Systems utilize fish waste to …
Growing Fruit Trees or Blueberries in Aquaponics
How to Grow Fruit Trees or Blueberries in Aquaponics – by Colle and Phyllis Davis Here are the main parameters that need to be addressed when considering raising fruit trees with aquaponics: Pollination. Bees do not do well at all inside buildings. Hand pollination is time consuming and expensive. Which fruit(s) should you raise? What market …
Portable Farms® Zucchini Bread
Portable Farms® Zucchini Bread Give homemade Zucchini Bread for gifts during the holidays. Not too sweet and it’s healthy too! There is nothing like home-made, home-grown zucchini bread to give away as gifts during the holiday season! While many cooks may boast they cook from scratch, we can ‘trump that’ and say we grew our …
Tilapia and the Omega-3 Debate
Tilapia and the Omega-3 Debate – by Colle and Phyllis Davis What fish has the highest levels of omega-3? Wild Alaskan salmon’s sockeye salmon wins the prize! If you enjoy fish other than sockeye salmon, consider adding flax and chia seeds to your diet to add Omega-3s into your diet. Alaskan salmon’s (spawning) sockeye salmon …
Carbon Neutral and Pesticide-Free Food Production
Carbon Neutral and Pesticide-Free Food Production By Colle and Phyllis Davis Portable Farms® Aquaponics Systems is a carbon neutral and pesticide-free food production facility designed to use readily available off-the-shelf equipment and materials to grow healthy green vegetables including tomatoes, peppers, and cucumbers to raise your fish. PFAS LLC’s goal is to provide our customers …
Zucchini Grow WELL in Portable Farms
Zucchini! OH YUM. You can cook almost anything with zucchini and they are EASY to grow year round in a Portable Farms Aquaponics System! Generally, zucchini are grown during the summer (May to August in the Northern Hemisphere). Zucchini is a small summer squash (a vegetable) that looks like a cucumber but has yellow flesh inside …
Owning Your Own Personal Wetlands
Owning Your Own Personal Wetlands – by Colle and Phyllis Davis The most productive land on Earth is actually wet land, also known as ‘the wetlands.’ What are wetlands? Wetlands offer ecosystem benefits and it is said they are considered the kidneys of the earth because they filter and store water so efficiently in addition …
Processing Fish – From Tank to Table
Processing Fish – From Tank to Table – by Colle and Phyllis Davis Aquaponics is an up-close and personal experience with the cycle of life – from seed to salad and from fish fry to fried fish. With aquaponics, there is no escaping the hard facts of growing and eating what you kill. However, in …