Portable Farms® Really Are Portable
– by Colle and Phyllis Davis
Now the ONLY tough part of the installation: The gravel. Gravel is heavy, dirty and not easy to prepare and place. Every bit of it must be washed thoroughly and placed carefully. However, if you’re moving a long distance, we recommend leaving the heavy gravel behind and replacing it when you reinstall your Portable Farm. It’s easier.
The rest of the ‘technology’ along with the plumbing, electrical and any fans, lighting and controls are easy to repack and move to their new home. The Grow Trays may or may not be worthwhile moving, most of the ones we know of that have been moved, the owners moved the Grow Tray and reused them.
So, are Portable Farms® really PORTABLE? Yes they are. The idea is to move the technology and leave the gravel behind.
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